LIVE is: feel the MOMENT !

LIVE [ laif:engl ]: Live television is a television production broadcast in real-time, as events happen, in the present. In a secondary meaning, it may refer to streaming television over the internet. In most cases live programming is not being recorded as it is shown on TV, but rather was not rehearsed or edited and is being shown only as it was recorded prior to being aired. Shows broadcast live include newscasts, morning shows, awards shows, sports programs, reality programs and, occasionally, episodes of scripted television series.

What does a TV Director do ?

Directors are responsible for the look and sound of a production and its technical standards. They work closely with Producers and/or Writers, enhancing, refining and realising original ideas into finished programmes. They are responsible for ensuring that the final programme is faithful to the original concept. They must be able to push boundaries while remaining in total control of their material. They work across all genres.

The Role

To do this role, you will need to:

... be able to translate creatively a writer’s, Producer’s and other originators' vision into a coherent, marketable, entertaining or informative programme
... be aware of and value the contribution of all crew members to the creation of the final programme, and be able to work with them effectively
... be able to lead a team and to motivate crew members
... be able to conceptualise ideas and to think visually
... have a methodical approach to work, along with a high stress tolerance and stamina
have budgeting and financial skills
... know when to use different technical and creative techniques
... have excellent communication skills

Technical Facilities

Directors liaise with crew members about all technical requirements, e.g. lighting and camera movements, sound recording requirements, set dressing, vision effects, graphics and transitions. While the crew prepare the sets and set up the equipment, Directors may work with individual actors on specific scenes which require particularly sensitive, dramatic or comedy performances.


The Director read through scripts before their first meeting with Producers, Script Editors, Story Editors, Series Editors, Script Supervisors, and/or 1st Assistant Directors. The other heads of department may draw attention to potential technical, logistical or creative problems with scripted scenes, and suggest alternative arrangements. Once all these factors have been taken into account and changes approved, scripts are returned to Writers and changes negotiated. Final scripts are delivered to the Director so that marked-up camera scripts and/or running orders can be prepared for cast and crew members.

Creative - Concept

The Director's marked studio script is the blueprint from which all crew members draw their requirements. Once all changes have been approved and implemented, Directors are responsible for the creative and technical aspects of producing finished programmes, working to the Producer's budget.


You won’t need a specific qualification to become a TV Director. However, a degree in a media-related, drama or specialist subject may give you a good grounding.

You will need wide experience in and knowledge of the production process. You will need to complete specialist training in single and multi-camera directing.

Thinker, Dreamer, Innovator

Thomas Strobl is one of the Number 1 among the German Sport Directors

Thomas Strobl works like a field commander marshalling his troops.  One moment he appears to be completely calm and then suddenly he is gesturing wildly, directing from left to right and back.   A cuss word here and an encouragement there escapes as he gives succinct directions, reaches into the bag of liquorice, and then falls back relaxed. Strobl sits in front of a mountain of monitors and makes instantaneous decisions.  He is the screen master, the image king …. (CHIO Aachen – Niels Knippertz)

... a little insight into my TV-Liveproductions

My main task is to inspire people to do things they normally don't do!

Highlights – Sport Innovation 2024

INNOVATIONSSPIELE Während beider Veranstaltungstage werden auf dem Platz mehrere Live-Spiele ausgetragen, bei denen ausgewählte Aussteller ihre Innovationen direkt auf der Bühne präsentieren. Die Übertragungsproduktion dieser Innovationsspiele ist vergleichbar mit einem absoluten „UEFA Champions League ++“ Read more…

Skijumping – Oberstdorf 4 Hills Tournament

R E P O R T A G E Die internationale Fernsehproduktion der 66. Vierschanzentournee in Oberstdorf 2017 Kameraleute und Skispringer müssen mutig und fit sein Neuschneemassen, Sonnenschein, Dauerregen, Sturm und Tauwetter stellen die äußeren Read more…

DTM – Motorsport

R E P O R T A G E Die internationale Fernsehproduktion der Deutschen Tourenwagen-Meisterschaft (DTM) in Hockenheim Motorsport: Wenn Kameraleute in feuerfesten Overalls arbeiten 150 Mitarbeiter – 50 HD-Kameras auf dem Erdboden, 18 Gerüsten, Read more…

Skijumping Willingen

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+49 172 973 48 50


80801 Munich, Germany

Mon - Sun, 7/24
